Thursday, October 9, 2008

Literacy Bag Lessons

Today is our last day with this week's literacy bag. We've enjoyed all the books (Walker has three of the four in his personal library), but it has been the activities that have added some fun to our days. Using salt in the cookie sheet to write was fun, a little messy towards the end, but lots of fun. Discovering equivalents with the measuring spoons and cups was a great project. There was also an activity making playdoh and using cookie cutters and then using tweezers to place, then remove matchsticks from the playdoh. This is an excellent exercise for fine motor skills and grasping strength. After some intial frustration, Walker really got into it. When I told him that playing with the tweezers would help the muscles in his hands and fingers get stronger he responded "no mama, actually this is for fine motor skills - like on fine motor Fridays". Each Friday, his class has special fine motor units, I just didn't know he realized what they were doing. Tomorrow we will return the cooking literacy bag, and start looking forward to what will be in our new bag next week.

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