Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Playing Catch Up (Again!)

I promise that this week between posts pattern will not continue. Between sick little ones and Christmas busy stuff, there has been little time to be on the computer. Plus, my camera is not cooperating these days. Here are a few pics of the kids for their grandparents. Most are of Lauren, who is officially a thumb sucker (good thing her dad is a dentist), and she also wants to feed herself already. It is hard to believe she is five months old today, where has the time gone? Walker is so excited about Christmas this year. He loves the decorations, and helped his Dad put lights in the bushes last weekend. Each day when we turn the lights on he declares "I sure was a big helper to my Daddy". I know Trumon agrees completely! Walker and I are going to start our cookie baking this afternoon, he is most excited about making gingerbread boys and girls. He has been reciting the story for days in preparation for our baking day! I should have some very good pictures, and even better stories by tonight.

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